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Forum Rules!


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Hello everyone, let's remember that this forum serves to clarify any questions you may have about any topic related to physical servers, and their systems such as Centos, RedHat, Fedora, Cloudlinux, Ubuntu among others, also about platforms for virtualization, work panels like WHM&Cpanel, ISPConfig, Plesk and more.

So, in order to have a peaceful coexistence, taking into account that any person who has stayed with us or is not staying with us can enter, we will give some rules to follow.

1) Do not insult, something very simple if you are angry just do not pay attention to what they say.
2) Do not deviate from the central theme of the Post.
3) Do not open multiple posts on the same topic.
4) Do not spam (like writing a word for each post...)
5) Forbidden to advertise other hosting services or speak ill of others (we do this to avoid conflicts of interest)
6) Forbidden to charge for help in the forums, here all the help that is published is free.

With these simple rules we will generate a productive environment. calm and wise.

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